Women’s Employee Resource Group Formed At Blattner.
Posted on March 07, 2022 | 4 min. read
Women In Construction Week is always one to celebrate at Blattner.
It’s a time to highlight the energy and initiatives that women are leading at Blattner Company, Blattner Energy and DH Blattner & Sons.
And it’s the perfect time to announce that Blattner has formed a Women’s Employee Resource Group (ERG).
The group’s mission is to make Blattner the company of choice for women. It will be focused on enhancing and accelerating the development of women at all levels of the organization through professional development, sponsorship, mentoring, coaching, inclusion/connectivity, resources and recognition.
The founding members of the Women's ERG are Rebecca Lueck (Senior Manager, HR Business Partner), Candi Janssen (Director, Business Development), Angie Klein (talent coordinator supervisor) and Kelli Wuertz (senior executive assistant). Let's meet them!
Rebecca Lueck
Rebecca Lueck is continually on the lookout for new and better systems and processes that will aid in the achievement of successful strategies for Blattner.
Lueck, who has been with Blattner since January 2021, sees the Women’s ERG as a perfect fit for what she does in her everyday work.
“This initiative is crucial for women, especially in the construction industry. Historically, and statistically, there is still a gender gap for women working in construction, and we have an opportunity to work with both men and women in this industry to continue making improvements to these statistics,” Lueck said. “Women are underrepresented in construction and it’s time to change that.”
Lueck’s role within the Women’s ERG will be to inspire and encourage women to take more career opportunities through empowerment. She will provide benchmarking and metrics that will help Blattner accelerate evolving women in levels of the organization through professional development, mentoring, inclusion and recognition.
Lueck never imagined she would be working in renewable energy construction, but it’s been one of the more humbling experiences of her life. She wants that to happen for other women.
“My hope is that we make significant efforts across this space to promote and develop women,” she said. “We want to develop the tools and resources for them to progress on a successful career path at Blattner. Watching a team of men and women come together for a common goal is an inspiring experience.”
Candi Janssen
Fifteen years of experience in business development has given Janssen a lot of perspective. She joined Blattner in 2020 after a recommendation from a good friend.
“My friend fell in love with the company culture at Blattner and I had to be a part of it," Janssen said. "Being part of the renewable energy sector was an added bonus.”
Janssen will be the programming and logistics chair within the Women’s ERG. She hopes that the group empowers everyone to grow and be their best selves, while empowering employees to connect and network.
“We want to attract and retain women. The construction industry is male-dominated and can seem intimidating for women,” she said. “However, women bring a lot to this industry and a women’s group will help our employees overcome struggles or misperceptions. There are a ton of opportunities for people to have gainful employment in a multitude of roles.”
Angie Klein
Prior to coming to Blattner almost three years ago, Angie Klein spent 20 years providing patient care at a Central Minnesota health care facility.
Her role as a senior executive assistant for human resources and enterprise risk management was a huge career shift for her.
“I had always been healthcare-focused, but I was ready for a change and took a chance,” Klein said. “That leap of faith led me to a flourishing company and a career path that helps me to grow in many directions. In construction, there are many opportunities. I never thought to explore the options I have – I’m glad I did.”
Klein’s career trajectory is a perfect model for what the Women’s ERG wants to represent by building an even stronger sense of connection and empowerment for female employees at Blattner. Klein’s primary goal is recruiting new members to the group.
“Our group is critical because together we will offer support and resources so we can continue to strive for success in all that we do,” Klein said. “Blattner is a company that believes diversity and inclusion is a priority. The establishment of this group sends a message that it believes our ideas and abilities are valued equally.”
Kelli Wuertz
Kelli Wuertz’s background in the law enforcement sector is impressive with nearly 12 years of experience. Before shifting careers to Blattner in 2020, she knew all about working in a predominantly male field.
“Yes, construction may be considered a ‘man’s world.’ But there are so many talented women in the industry who can do the same job,” Wuertz said. “They just need the support to help them excel at their career.”
Wuertz will be the chair member for memberships and programming for the Women’s ERG. Despite believing she would be in law enforcement for the rest of her career, she recognizes she made the right choice by changing her career to renewable energy construction. She wants the Women’s ERG to be a pillar of strength for all women at Blattner.
“Blattner is always evolving and expanding, just like renewable energy,” she said. “This group is going to break the stigma of construction being a man’s world. Women have a different viewpoint, a lot of potential and drive. We will work collaboratively and be equal with our male counterparts. This will only strengthen Blattner as a whole.”
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